Sunday 15 April 2012

In The Beginning

So here we are...

I sit here with about 30 minutes remaining on my 27th birthday and writing my first blog post.

I see this blog as a place to share my thoughts on pretty much anything from sport, to music, to politics to whatever else my bizarre mind decides to make me think about. I have too many opinions to not at some point put them down on paper (ok, so not actual paper... shut up).

At this stage I don't totally know where this blog is heading, how often I will use it or what I want it to become, but I'm excited about the possibilities.

If anyone has any suggestions on things to write about, yes I'm talking to you imaginary readers, then feel free to share, as I could use the help.

I was gonna write some sort of bio here or list the sporting teams I support, but that would be boring. I'm sure all that will be covered in subsequent posts. Plus I had a hard enough time describing myself when I made an online dating profile.

Also, I'm not even totally locked into this blog name. If anyone comes up with a suggestion I love and choose to you, I will give them all the credit and my undying, eternal love.

I look forward to reading whatever the hell I come up with in the future.
